Thursday, April 1, 2010

nate is an asshole

Tim and I had an excellent little apartment that was almost ours until Nate had a temper tantrum and ruined it for us. Here's the story!
First the background information: I am not on the lease which is a violation of the rental agreement. Nate wasn't on the lease for over a year but then got on it as of last February or so. Also a violation of the rental agreement is how Nate's ex girlfriend was living with us for over a year and how the shit head in the back room was living here for five months.
Yesterday the rental company informed us that they were coming over today at 8:30am to measure the rooms to figure out what to fix. 8:30 am is a crappy time to come over but all someone has to do is call them up and ask them to come over later and they would have. Nate got all up in arms about it and decided that it was a violation of his privacy that they kept coming over all the time. They have been coming over an awful lot but that's because nobody has signed a lease for this place so they are trying to rent it. Nate decided to call them up and be really condescending and rude about how they keep coming over. A direct quote from the lips of Nate goes as follows, "You DO know that all of the apartments are the same right?" As if that's a good way to win a debate with the people who have control over whether or not you can live in your apartment. They are the rental company and can come measure if they want because they own this place. So anyway, Nate felt that he didn't prove his point when he was talking to them on the phone so he decided to go to their office which is what made everything go to shit. Turns out that while he was arrogantly trying to debate with them he managed to piss the owner off too. Tim later gets a phone call from the woman who was working on our application telling us that they are unable to rent to us anymore and that "the person living in the backroom was a violation of the rental agreement" and that so was the fact that I was living here.
Now you might think that Nate had nothing to do with this but they have known that I have been staying here because they have been coming over to the apartment periodically and I see them. If they had a problem with that before they never would have wasted their time by showing us apartments and taking our apllications as well as phone calls clarifying information on our applications. Everything was going smoothly up until Nate decided that he was going to have his little fit and piss the owner off. Its pretty shitty on the part of the rental company that they are taking their anger at Nate off on us but it was also pretty shitty of Nate to screw us like that. The most infuriating part of all this is that Nate is not taking any responsibility for what he did. He blames me for not being on the lease and says that he and the POS in the backroom has nothing to do with any of this. Even though none of this was brought up to us until Nate yelled at the owner of the rental company. Nate says that the rental company just hates all of us and just simply doesn't want to rent to us. Which is wrong because if they hated Tim and I then why would they take us to 5 different apartments to rent next year? The woman Tim spoke to said that she was sorry that this happened but she spoke to Dee (the owner) and now our application was denied and that if they didn't like Tim so much that they would evict us for the violations of the rental agreement. Which they knew about for awhile but never seemed to be an issue until 30 minutes after Nate shat all over our plans. And somehow this is not his fault?

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